Scheduling. Reinvented.

Transform the way you create schedule scenarios. From now on you will be able to create them in just minutes, not hours.


Up to 5 scenarios in 15 minutes. On demand. Sounds good?

We bet you use the old method (ERP, Excel), right?


No more creating schedules manually.

Check out our AI solution.

Check our Assistant


Are you still struggling with the tedious scheduling of your production plan?


For whom is
our solution

Are you constantly struggling to meet deadlines? Are the number of variables to deal with overwhelming you?

Factory Managers



Do you want to meet the two biggest challenges - uninterrupted production and on-time delivery?

We know
what you are facing

A planner's job is to constantly fit the puzzles together.


The existing ERP solution is not able to provide accurate production scheduling.

The time to generate a production schedule is too long.



The requirements are changing too quickly to recreate an optimized production schedule.

The requirements are changing too quickly to recreate an optimized production schedule.


Now it's time to show you reinvented way to create schedule scenarios.

Meet our
Scheduling Assistant

Click to play video

No more creating
schedules manually


It's like a chat - natural language

Switching from doing to prompting and making decisions

Many alternative schedules with different objectives and paramers.

Generate many schedules

Automated schedule generation that fulfills technology and business requirements.

Automated generation

Handling alternative resources, changeovers, preferred sequences, and others.

Provide alternatives


Make decisions
based on data

Manual scheduling is a bottleneck.

Try the revolutionary “GenAI” way:

you say what you want and the algorithm does it.

Click to play video

It's as easy
as conversation

Over 18 years, we have helped many business leaders avoid costly mistakes and gain real value from AI.

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Wit Jakuczun

CTO, AI Expert

The author Wit Jakuczun, is a mathematician and industry-recognized AI expert with 18+ years of experience in delivering over 100 AI solutions for various industries, including gas & energy, supply chain, retail, telecoms, and banking. I have also worked closely with C-level managers and supervised consulting teams. His expertise lies in building AI-driven decision support systems by combining operations research and predictive modeling, resulting in impactful solutions that deliver value to businesses.

About the author


Grzegorz Bigos

CEO, Manufacturing Expert

Greg Bigos is the CEO of F33, bringing over decades of experience in delivering ERP solutions for manufacturing, logistics, and retail industries. He leads a team of experts providing cutting-edge AI services to businesses across various industries.

About the author


No more creating schedules manually.

Check out our AI solution.

Check our Assistant

No more creating schedules manually.

Check out our AI solution.

Check our Assistant
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